The fascinating litter box

The second most asked question is the litter box. It's amazing to us how many people are interested in where we keep the girl's litter box! There is no set standard for this issue. All RV cat people have their own place of preference. It's really what works best for your cat, or multiple cats, and the size of your RV. Our cats have always shared one box, so we don't have that issue.
We very rarely use full hookups. Mostly we prefer electric and water connections or we're boondocking (with no electric & water attachment.) Also, we usually spend at least 2 weeks in one place. This means we don't use our inside shower... it would fill up our grey water tank in no time at all. There's no way we're going to close down, go dump and then set up again every few days. We use our outside shower or the blackbag shower, if possible, or the park's shower facility. So it makes sense to us to keep the litter box in the shower cubicle! It's easy to keep clean and it's secure, i.e. it doesn't go walk abouts when we're traveling.
We find a lightweight clumping litter for multiple cats is economical, good for the environment and works really well. There's no odour, you don't have to throw out tons of litter every week or so. We've got a bag of sandwich bags hanging just above the box. This all makes life pretty easy to keep the box clean.
I take the box out every 8-10 days and give it a good wash, while the remaining litter gets some fresh air, and we've had no problems at all.
The funny thing is although Geordie goes out walking a few times each day she rarely, very rarely, uses the great outdoors for a toilet!! She's on occasion demanded to come inside, gone to the loo and then demanded to go outside again. Go figure!
Travel safe and have fun


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