Meet Cimarron, aka Cimmy, our new family member. A big, beautiful fluffy Maine Coon mix...about 2 years old. Abandoned by another Rver (may you rot in hell)
OH!!! My sweet Part Maine Coon died just the month before -- August 27th. What a wonderful blessing to have been in the right place and time to get him!!! I'm looking diligently now for one. Do you think that a year old kitty not used to RVing could become a good RVKitty???
This photo is a couple of days after she arrived, I had my art gallery in Georgia and she slipped into the role of gallery greeter without missing a beat. Geordie, about 4-5 months old, a flea ridden stray with attitude and a big mouth arrived on our doorstep in 2010 when we lived in a small town in the state of Georgia. Here's the story behind her name. My sister in South Africa had a character German Shepard named Geordie who loved cats. The day she died my sister called us, we all had a cry and I said we'd have a toast to the lovely girl that evening on our "New Orleans" style balcony in this small downtown area where we rarely saw any animals. We toasted her passage over the rainbow bridge, then stared in amazement as this skinny wee kitten came trotting up our stairs, meowing her heart out. She's not stopped talking since. I picked her up and said, "Geordie must have sent you!" Two weeks later my sister found C.D. (Cheerful Dog) abandoned ...
There's nothing like taking a leisurely stroll with your pet - it might be slightly unusual when that pet is a cat, but you see more and more of it. Now, some cats adjust to walking on a lead without problems. Geordie loves it and gets very antsy if she's not out inspecting her territory by 10:30 .am. each day! If the surroundings are friendly, she joins us for long walks. She's done over a mile easily at some spots. Chaussettes on the other hand will have nothing to do with a harness and a lead. She has no desire to venture out. We don't force them. Geordie does and Chaussettes doesn't. And thats is that! Geordie has been anxious when she gets near running water in the past. But this year we took more strolls near rivers and slowly her confidence grew. We let her take her time, and now she actually goes right up to the water. If it's not running too fast or there's a pool she wades in. It's cool to see her investigating everything. Just remember...
OH!!! My sweet Part Maine Coon died just the month before -- August 27th. What a wonderful blessing to have been in the right place and time to get him!!! I'm looking diligently now for one. Do you think that a year old kitty not used to RVing could become a good RVKitty???