Introducing Geordie

 This photo is a couple of days after she arrived, I had my art gallery in Georgia and she slipped into the role of gallery greeter without missing a beat. 

Geordie, about 4-5 months old, a flea ridden stray with attitude and a big mouth arrived on our doorstep in 2010 when we lived in a small town in the state of Georgia. Here's the story behind her name. My sister in South Africa had a character German Shepard named Geordie who loved cats. The day she died my sister called us, we all had a cry and I said we'd have a toast to the lovely girl that evening on our "New Orleans" style balcony in this small downtown area where we rarely saw any animals. We toasted her passage over the rainbow bridge, then stared in amazement as this skinny wee kitten came trotting up our stairs, meowing her heart out. She's not stopped talking since. I picked her up and said, "Geordie must have sent you!" Two weeks later my sister found C.D. (Cheerful Dog) abandoned on a golf course, took her in and we all thought German Shepard Geordie could now stop sending us animals. She'd done her job - they hate to have a good home go to waste. We'll never know what happened to her during those first few months, but she is scared of pick up trucks and large dogs. I have my own idea about this!

She is a diva, loves attention and is smart as a whip. She opens drawers and doors, gives us a "nun nun na” blessing when we sneeze, and gets in to all sorts of trouble. The three most used words in or home are "Geordie, stop it!" We just adore her.

She walks on a lead, we started her on this early on during a trip to North Carolina when she was about 7 months old. When we arrive at a new campsite she can't wait to get out and explore her new territory.
She's always got to know what's going on....


  1. Dear Ann and Lee,

    It was so lovely to meet you and your furkids.

    We returned safely home to good ol' Germany where the leaves right now change from green to golden yellow and red.

    We are very thankful that you took all our "belongings" to help other people or animals.

    Our fond memories are with you and your furry companions.

    Always "Happy Trails"

    Conny and Werner

    1. Thank you so much - it was a delight to meet you. We gave everything to the delightful cleaning lady at the park, she'd just moved in to help her mother and doesn't have much. And she loves animals, she has a dog. We thought you'd approve of this!! She was just ecstatic - said it was like Weihnachten im Oktober!!
      Be sure to get in touch when you visit again, you never know!! Alles gutes fur das Neues Jaar... Auf Wiedershen
      from Geordie and Chaussettes, Lee & Anne


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