Do the cats go walk-about outside on their own?

Do we let them outside alone? Do they try to run away?? The easy answer is No and No. We don't let the cats out alone. Not because we are worried they'll run away, although Geordie is so curious she doesn't always pay attention to her surroundings, so could perhaps get disoriented. We change our surroundings quite dramatically every couple of weeks, so we just feel better if Geordie is on a lead. She gets out for at least two long walks a day. She chases lizards, climbs trees and stalks unsuspecting chipmunks. And she hangs out with us when we're doing stuff, or just sitting reading, outside. She certainly isn't deprived of any cat activity. We always keep an eye out for other animals, especially birds of prey, but mostly dogs. We both love dogs but not every one is a responsible owner or has a well behaved mutt. However in two years, we've only had a couple of close encounters so it's definitely not a major issue. Chaussettes refuses to put her dai...