
Showing posts from September, 2018

Safety when working the slide out

Geordie loves to explore everywhere we go: the rivers, the trails, the Walmart parking lot. You name it, she checks it out!! The narrow roof above the slide when it's pulled in is also good for an explore  as you can see from this photo. But take note: the slide can be dangerous when it's in motion for an animal. We lock both cats in the bedroom when we are setting up or closing up for travel. Please, b e very careful when you're working the slide. Travel safe - and have fun!

The Calico Convention

We've had some fun this week - there are only about 8 campsites taken and there are 4 calicos walking on leads! It's unusual enough to have lots of cats walking on leads in one campsite, but all four being calicos is really different. They haven't become big buddies but we humans are enjoying the unusual situation ... so, meet Geordie's new walking partners, a gorgeous bevy of girls: the lovely Josie JOSIE is the oldest. She's a beautiful long haired calico. She lives with her fulltime RV human (Mum) and they've been on the road exploring for years. She's a happy well cared for girl with quite the most fluffy tail! Friendly Whisper WHISPER: is a young cat, about 2 and is much adored by her two humans. She's got beautiful smoky colouring. And she loves to explore, climb trees and chase critters. She goes for long walks at least twice a day and is quite happy to chat with new folks along the way. Pixie prefers you keep your distance PIXIE: i...

Happy LabourDay Weekend

   We work hard all year and deserve the break... have a safe and fun weekend!